Emre Erturk

Hardworking, Teammate & The learner

I would forever describe myself as a wonderful, funny and libertarian person. At the same time, I realized that in the near future only these will not be enough. I realized that there are things I haven't thought about in a long time, like getting a job. Yes, frankly, I really didn't care. Like every computer science student in Turkey, I was pursuing the dream of a successful venture such as Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs or Nevzat Aydin. As a student who continues his education life, you don't think much about your work life. I think I realized a little late that I'm not Elon Musk or anything (for the time being, of course), but I still think I'm a funny, wonderful and libertarian individual, what else could I want to happen? Oh, and I think I'm unemployed, just having these 3 things is not enough for this stage of life, and this is one of the new responsibilities that my age brings.

I feel lucky to have watched Breaking Bad.(Although I've watched it 4 times, I still don't really like it) Walter White Jr. his stupid idea gave me an idea and pushed me to design something like a website where I could both introduce myself better and showcase my talents. Anyway, from now on, there will be a section that contains at least a little more seriousness and gives information about me.

In my opinion, The secret to success: Starting to step. I think I'm slowly starting to step up and getting involved in the game. I'm at the beginning of the road and in front of me is a very serious mountain of information that I need to learn. *Ferrata: It is a style of climbing using metal ladders fixed to the rock. For the rest of my life, I know which rock to tie my metal stairs to and I know which route to take. All that's left is my climbing style, and I think my climbing time has begun.

But how ? Before moving onto more concrete information about me, I also wanted to devote some space to the personal development section.

I chose the Information Technology department in high school because I was considering a career in DevOps and Cyber Security. I completed my first full-time internship, which will continue for 7 months, in the IT Department of the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Turkey at that time, but I realized that this was not enough, and then I chose the Computer Programming department at the University. When I started college, I found out that there was an openness in the IT department of the school I was studying at. Based on my past experience, I applied and was accepted as one of the two Part-Time Assistant Student positions to be taken here. for about 1 year, I was interested in the newly opened South Campus of the school at that time, I played a role in building the infrastructure, and I could not continue due to the pandemic.

Isn't that a wonderful person I am?
But I'm in trouble.

I'm unemployed.
I need a job. Now!

Please send your job offers to help
let me stay in the game!


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if the job offer button did not work, please contact here :]
